ONLINE EVENT VIDEOS: The future of digital medication management 

On 5 November Better hosted the MedsClub annual meeting – a gathering of clinical experts interested in medication management.  Topics covered were:  


  • How do NHS Trusts use digital health apps for patient medication optimisation? - Liz Ashal Payne, CEO of Orcha 

  • Next-generation decision support for electronic prescribing - Dr. Nicholas Appelbaum, Founder of Dosium  
  • Challenges to consider in benefits realisation of an electronic prescribing and medication administration system - Leo Martin-Scott Lead ePMA Pharmacist at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, and Duncan Cripps Lead ePMA Pharmacist at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust  
Leo-Martin & Duncan
  • The future of national medication interoperability in the UK - Ann Slee Associate CCIO (Medicines) at NHSx  

Hosts:  Tjaša Zajc – MedsClub Idea Flow Facilitator, and Roko Malkoč – OPENeP Business Unit Manager  

About the organiser 

MedsClub is a recently established community of Better’s OPENeP medication management system users. The group explores best practices in medication management with the mission of going beyond electronic prescribing and national borders. MedsClub aims to become a diverse universe of thoughts and knowledge about the best possible practices of patient care. Last year, Better organised a community event in London titled “From Tender to Successful Roll-out”. Find it here.